Monday, 26 August 2013

I am R.U.D.E (No apologies)

 It’s a known fact that every human being is a unique combination of genes and every genetic combination is one of a kind. There can never be the same genetic combination for two (2) people even if they are born from the same womb and same time.It’s amazing to know that for everyone God created, He knew them even before they existed in the human realm. I studied God's discussion with Jeremiah and I understood better the extent of God’s personal involvement in the existence of every human being on the face of the earth.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”( Jer 1: 5)

God knew who Jeremiah was even before his parents met each other. He knew he was going to be a prophet to the nations and he was sanctified even before He existed at all. Now I find that amazing! How can a person be sanctified for an assignment even before He was created? That shows us that God is the God of yester-years, now and eternity; He remains the same.  Having said that, it is important that you know that no one can be like you. There is a book written concerning EVERYONE before God.  You can read my post titled “A bestselling story” at for more details on that.

God knew how your parents would abandon you, He knew how there would be so much envy and contention around your life; However, He also knows that NOTHING is capable of stopping you from fulfilling destiny. There is nothing you will do that will disappoint God. You were sent from eternity into time for a designated purpose and your mother was just a conduit. There’s a popular quote that says there may be illegitimate parents but there are no illegitimate children.  You are a dynamite marked for greatness! God Himself had a purpose for you and only in Him can you identify and fulfil that purpose. Outside of Him, man is a failure! He knows your frame and every tiny bit about you. I like how Job states the miracle of conception in the bible.

Oh, that marvel of conception as you stirred together semen and ovum—what a miracle of skin and bone, muscle and brain! You gave me life itself, and incredible love. You watched and guarded every breath I took. (Job 10: 10-12 Message version)

You are not created to imitate people, it is prohibited! You didn't exist in the times of Abraham, Isaac or Jacob because God knew you will be more relevant NOW. You are marked for greatness. Your finger prints print is distinctly different from that of over 7 billion people existing! How about that? God created you to be who He wants you to be. It is an insult on Him for you to want to be like someone else because He has wired you uniquely to be you so you can fulfil a purpose for Him! Acts 15 verse 18 saysKnown to God from eternity are all His works” -So be rest assured, God knew about your existence since the beginning of time and He’s got everything about you all figured out.

Jer 1: 6 says -Then said I: “Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth.”But the Lord said to me: “Do not say, ‘I am a youth, ‘for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak.

It is imperative I let you know that when God has chosen and sanctified you, it doesn't matter who accepts you or not. He believes in your capabilities irrespective of what you think and that’s why He reaffirmed Jeremiah’s call when he was doubting himself.  

I am unstoppable; come what may; the challenges, the roaring of the devil, the bland barks that can do me no harm ;  I have come to understand I am here for a purpose ; created specially by the ALMIGHTY GOD  and that’s why I concluded that I am R.U.D.E and I've got no apologies for that.

R: Rare
U: Unique
D: Different
E: Exceptional

Aren't you?

The Pen….

Monday, 19 August 2013

I am what YOU see

I remembered this morning, the black and white Television box we used to own many years ago. With it, we would watch programs and video cassettes excitedly; there was no need complaining of the quality of pictures of the TV because that was all we had and there were not too many colour-TVs around with which we could make comparisons.

Fast forward to today; In retrospect, I realise how we had been short-changed and deprived of seeing the same things from better perspectives, especially with the advent of hi-tech Televisions in different sizes, amazing resolutions, integrated Internet capabilities with features that offer more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary basic television set….Needless to mention the invention of the 3D Television.….. Phew!

The technology then wasn't just capable of giving us what we have now. We couldn't see any better because of technological limitations. However that didn't remove the fact that we could see things in a brighter way if only we had a better TV that had colour which would make the pictures sharper and the overall content more appealing.

Let me drive the point home….When we look at circumstances around us from our own perspectives, all we can get from them are  the white and black images like what the old TV would offer: Difficulties in opportunities, pain in what should be gainful, stories in what should give glory , shame from what should give us fame and whatnot. However, when we choose to look at them from God’s perspectives, through the eye of His word, we get the real colour, the best images and the sharpest resolution of whatever life brings our way.

God has existed from ancients untraceable and like I noted in my last post, His rule transcends generations from ages past to interminable eternity. He can never be technologically bound or limited. He has been hi-tech even before the alphabets existed. He sees 1 million years ahead and that’s why He could tell Abraham he would become a father of nations 25 years before he had a child. Isaiah prophesied that Jesus would bare our pain, sorrows, grief and sicknesses almost 700 years even before Jesus came. Why? God already had seen it happen; the Lamb had been slain from the foundations of the world (rev 13:8).

Let me share one interesting story from the Bible with you. Jacob had worked for Laban his uncle for many years by tendering his sheep and it was time for him to exit. So he entered into an agreement with Laban that all the speckled animals in the flock of sheep and goats would be his whilst his uncle Laban would have all the spotless ones (they were obviously more). He however did something that produced some mind boggling results.

 Let’s read Genesis in chapter 30:  37Then Jacob took some fresh branches from poplar, almond, and plane trees and peeled off strips of bark, making white streaks on them. 38Then he placed these peeled branches in the watering troughs where the flocks came to drink, for that was where they mated. 39And when they mated in front of the white-streaked branches, they gave birth to young that were streaked, speckled, and spotted.

Look at that! A natural act had the capacity to influence something supernatural. The animals whilst reproducing, because they were “seeing” the sticks placed in front of them, reproduced what they were seeing. (Read the entire chapter to get a better understanding of this story).Whoever gave Jacob that inspiration did Him an eternal good. Who else can do such, if not the Almighty God Himself! Laban intended to cheat Jacob but this formula Jacob adopted outwitted Laban’s intentions!

God doesn't joke with issues of what He sees and He doesn’t expect us to joke with ours. We are capable of becoming what we see.  It is interesting that when He wanted to pass a message to Jeremiah, He asked him: “What do you see” (Jeremiah 1:11- Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see? “And I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.”12.Then the LORD said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word)

If Jeremiah had not seen well, He wouldn't have gone any further. God told him he had seen well and that He was ready to perform His word.  ….”. Until our vision changes, we most likely are not ready to see the word of God performed in our lives. In Genesis chapter 1, God Himself “saw” that was He created was good and He was happy with it. Don’t forget that He chose to speak Light over the despicable state of the earth. He wasn't perturbed by the formlessness and void situation. He spoke and they came to be; how he wanted them. He called those things that be not as though they were…..

Be like your Father- See what He sees.

I love the lyrics of this beautiful song by Paul Mortion and I leave you with it…

Help me to see me
the way You see me
sometimes I see pain Lord
when You see victory
I see where I am Lord
You see where I shall be
open my eyes, help me believe
I am what You see

You see me victorious
You see me faithful
You see me believing
that You are able
You see me rejoicing
cause I have survived
open my eyes, help me believe
I am what You see

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (repeat)

I am healed, I am free
I am what You see (x2)
(Repeat x4)
Open my eyes, help me to see,

I am what You see

The Pen......

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Pressing into Abraham's Blessings

Abraham’s Blessings are mine x2
I am blessed in the morning and blessed in the evening
Abraham’s Blessings are mine…

This is a chorus we sing many times in church with great excitement; Oh yes, Abraham’s blessings are ours but in reality,do we understand what they are and are we enjoying them? It is imperative that we find out what those blessings are hinged on, perhaps we would deduce a more realistic meaning from that song when next we sing it. 

I have been studying in recent times the basis of the covenant God had with Abraham and it occurred to me how truly blessed the man was. This is by no means an exhaustive write up on the Abrahamic covenant but just a hint on what we stand to benefit from it.

Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:1-3 NKJV)

The covenant God had with Abraham is one of the fundamental pillars of our faith as he is known as the Father of Faith. The whole essence of the covenant is spelt out in the verse above. Whilst this verse reveals to us the commitment of God to blessing Abraham, the fifteenth chapter of Genesis consists of the ceremony (between Abraham and God) that was commonly used in the ancient world to formalize a covenant. Time will not permit me to explain how blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were: In wealth and prosperity, they enjoyed the blessings of God immensely and generations after them benefitted and are still benefitting from their relationship with God.

Let’s look at another scripture….

Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments; (Deuteronomy 7:9 NKJV).

When we connect these two scriptures together, bearing in mind that the covenant God had with Abraham is applicable to us and will continue to remain potent for many generations after us, the phrase “a thousand generations” automatically reveals the everlasting commitment of God to us which is the essence of this post. It is interesting that God promised His blessings not only to Abraham but assured him also that in him will ALL the families of the earth will be blessed and this includes you and I. Once we realize the person we have a covenant with can never lie, it births in us faith, hope, an anchor for the soul.

When the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt and it looked as if they would be perpetually oppressed, God remembered His covenant with Abraham and just before their final exit, they were instructed to strike the top bar and two side posts of their houses with the blood of lambs and they were spared from the destruction that cut across Egypt. This cuts the picture of the cross as everything in the Old Testament typifies what was to come.

Going back to our Deuteronomy text (earlier quoted), let’s explore briefly the thousand- generation scope this Abrahamic covenant spans over.  Talking about a generation; simply put, a generation is created when you have an offspring. The next question is how many years make a generation? Studies show that a generation could span between 20 to 50 years:  20 years assuming people have children quite early and 50 years being a more applicable age with reference to the bible times(Don’t forget that God caused a generation to wander for 40 years in the wilderness, raising another generation in the process).  

Matthew chapter 1 shows us that between the time Abraham existed till the time Jesus came into the world, there were 42 generations and if Jesus came about 2000 years ago (using a conservative generation length of 20 years), we have another 100 generations from then to date. In essence, the thousand-generation span for which God is able to keep His covenant commitment for, has not been attained by even a quarter- from the time He made the covenant with Abraham and apparently the quota cannot be exhausted in centuries and millenniums to come. In essence, the scripture earlier quoted , which talks about God keeping His covenant to a thousand generations has us covered and many more generations after us. We serve a God whose rule transcends generations from ages past to interminable eternity!

The prosperity Abraham and His immediate descendants enjoyed should be the minimum benchmark for us, because the same covenant that worked for them still works for us and that is why we can sing that Abraham’s blessings belong to us. In essence, we are too loaded to be blessed. That covenant cannot be broken; it remains potent and valid and we are qualified beneficiaries because we are children of Abraham (if we follow his footsteps).  Isaiah 51:1-2  says Listen to Me, you who follow after righteousness, You who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you were hewn, And to the hole of the pit from which you were dug.2Look to Abraham your father, And to Sarah who bore you; For I called him alone, And blessed him and increased him.”

So it means we are eternally blessed, the covenant still works for us, for our children and for many more generations coming after us. Wow!

But wait………

There is a better covenant! Jesus Christ, by reason of His death ushered us into the new covenant under which we are justified by God's grace and mercy .It is now possible to have the true forgiveness of sins, healing, prosperity, soundness of mind, the establishment of God’s kingdom in our lives, enjoying the supernatural in our natural world and many more. Jesus Himself is the Mediator of this better covenant between God and man (Heb. 9:15). Jesus' sacrificial death served as the oath, or pledge, which God made to us to seal this new covenant. This covenant is far more powerful, potent than all other covenants God had with the patriarchs of old.

Christ’s death moves us into another dimension entirely; we are blessed from now till eternity,over and again. The coverage encompasses our health, prosperity, guaranty of eternity and every GOOD thing we can imagine from generation to generation; for those who will accept Him. So when we claim the covenant of Abraham, and then that of Jesus Christ, words cannot describe the extent of our blessing and greatness.

How do you see yourself? The truth is that your reality is not defined by your circumstances but what the word of God says about you.

You are blessed and cannot be stressed
You are prosperous in spite of the boisterous situation of the world economy.
You are gifted and cannot be shifted
You cannot be one with God and be broke.
You can't be a small child of a big God.
What can't be denied God can't be denied you.

There has to be a mentality shift in you today. You are who Christ says you are and by faith you lay hold on all He has made available!

Above all,

This covenant works only for those who love HIM. A covenant relationship with God means we have entered into a life time relationship with him. 

Can He get a life-time commitment from you?

The Pen.....