Friday, 4 September 2015

Keep your Brother, Not his faults( Brother's Keeper)

A couple of days ago, I had a small domestic accident in the kitchen : a small sharp object pieced into my nail and the pain was so intense and sharp. I felt it right in the middle of my brain and every other part of my body. As I went around the house, trying to see how I could abate the pain, I remembered that earlier that morning, I had read  something in the bible….wait a minute…

 Rom 12: 4- For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

 That scripture further made sense to me: Indeed, if a member of the body suffers, no matter how small it may be, the entire body suffers with it. If a member of the body is weak, it definitely has an impact  and  slows down the performance of the entire body.  

Yes the Bible admonishes us to be strong, perfect and wanting nothing, but then just like the growth of babies differ, the rate of growth of everyone differs from one another; the reason why some people may struggle with the same mistakes and sin over and over again. We need to be our brother’s keeper, not a keeper of their faults.

 Rom 15: 1(Msg) Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us.

 David’s story always amazes me and maybe that’s why I co-authored a book about him. Read the excerpts of my book Here .

 To what extent can we as leaders, christians, bear the burden of those who are weak in spite of our own cares and burdens? In 1st Samuel 22, David had 400 chaotic, obnoxious, distressed, discontented, debt-ridden men who had been battered by life gathered to him and he became their leader. Hmmn; one problematic person in church, fellowship, a group, or at work and we are quick to complain about such a person. We whine and "pray" the person away from us because he is such a "nuisance". The Love of Christ teaches us otherwise.

 Sometimes, people exhibit some character flaws because of the weight of life on their shoulders; just some love and yes more love and commitment can make a difference in their lives. Didn't David win almost all his battles? Didn't he have one of the most enviable reign in Israel? How did he accomplish all that....Alone? Oh no, He had men, great men and they must have been out of those 400!

Everyone has potentials to become a  spiritual giant; one day at a time, one step at a time, the stronger ones should be willing to lend a helping hand without necessarily  turning the person’s issues into gossip points all in the name of praying for such.

Some may be unwilling to change, always causing trouble; have nothing to do with such just as Paul admonishes us in Ephesians 5:11. But for those who are willing to learn, teachable, lets bear with them until they become mature and strong in faith.

Talking about the discontented men that became followers of David, in my next post, I will talk about how Troublemakers can actually become one's Bubblemakers.

Remain rooted in Grace.

The Pen.