Friday, 30 May 2014

Esther: A Star not without a Scar


The story of Esther is a bestseller and one of the most interesting stories in the bible that would generate so much at the box office within the first few days of release if made into a movie. Behind every glory is a story birthed in lowly and sometimes gory circumstances. She had been through so much trouble in life already; from being an orphan to growing up under the tutelage of her cousin Mordecai (she was Mordecai’s uncle’s daughter) who had also been carried into slavery. She was beautiful physically but nothing was beautiful about her circumstances. Sometimes, being raised up by parents who are struggling financially could be difficult, not to talk of being raised by an uncle who himself was in captivity.

By and large, with her years shrouded in obscurity, pain, conflict and in spite of the difficult upbringing, God granted her favour and through a rigorous but divinely orchestrated process, she became the Queen. Wow! A nobody had suddenly become the toast of the nation and the most powerful woman of the kingdom. Considering what she had gone through, there should never have come any challenges her way again. But just as she was settling in into the unquantifiable bliss of becoming a queen after the world's most glamorous wedding party, the honeymoon in the most exotic parts of the world, servants and eunuchs being appointed for her; from being a servant to having many servants, trouble started again………..

Let’s dive into the scriptures quickly.
Esther 3: 13 “And the letters were sent by couriers into all the king’s provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, and to plunder their possessions”.

Esther 4: 3 “
And in every province where the king’s command and decree arrived, there was great mourning among the Jews, with fasting, weeping, and wailing; and many lay in sackcloth and ashes”.4 So Esther’s maids and eunuchs came and told her, and the queen was deeply distressed. Then she sent garments to clothe Mordecai and take his sackcloth away from him, but he would not accept them”.

What if after becoming queen, Esther had become like the women of the kingdom? What if she had forgotten God? What if she didn't know how to pray and fast again? What if she had cut off the ties with Mordecai her mentor and "father"? The challenge she was facing now, appeared to be more intense than what she had gone through growing up. This was a matter of life and death. If something was not done, she was going to be killed herself. Nothing is as terrifying as having a death threat over one’s life. Common, for someone who had gone through so much in life, hers should have been a story of “and she lived happily ever after”

Have you ever asked yourself just as I have done and still do, why sometimes some circumstances you face as a Christian look way bigger and way more tumultuous than what you have gone through even as an unbeliever? I have discovered in life that everyone determines to a large extent what they become. Life may offer you LIME in the occurrence of a sour situation, but that situation can bring you into LIMELIGHT and make you drive in a LIMOUSINE to the admiration of everyone and to the shame of the limitations men have placed on you! Life doesn't want to know how much you have been through in the past and because of that exonerate you from some of the tantrums it throws. The devil doesn't care if he has thrown darts your way before; after all the bible says he goes around, looking for whom to devour; so he is always on the prowl. But glory to Jesus! In spite of the many troubles of the world, He says to us- “Cheer up, I have overcome the world”.

This victory is not enforced by sitting and whining over things that are not working. It comes by praying, declaring, confessing tenaciously all God has ordained for us until we see them manifest! Yes these things work! And sometimes too, whilst you are celebrating and jubilating over an achievement or success, it is not the time to go into a state of comatose in your quiet time, in your walk with God and in your service to him. “Not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord” is what the bible admonishes. This is not to say as Christian women we should live in fear. No it’s a call to be on top of our game in enforcing the kingdom of God over our homes, our children, our careers and in everything we do at all times.

Eve was so relaxed when the devil came with the onslaught against humanity and she fell for it. Micah had a nonchalant attitude towards life, towards the Lord’s anointed and she didn't see anything bad in castigating her husband- David (a man God loved unrepentantly) because He was dancing for His Maker. Should she not have been at the forefront of the dancing troupe, singing and dancing to the God who gives her husband victory all the time?

It is time to do away with the “God why me” disposition, the talks of “Life is so unfair to me”, the sympathies of people (who would even make jest of you behind your back). These are the days in which by His Grace, we would rise up, facing those challenges that come our way by the might of the Most High God like Deborah who took the bulls by the horn even when the highways were deserted and AROSE as a mother in Israel!
Esther won her battles; you and I will win ours too!

The joy of the Lord is our strength and He makes us more than overcomers in all of these things……….Selah

Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour yet? If you don’t, then say the prayers Here.

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