Thursday, 4 April 2013

A Fish for His Wish

It’s a beautiful day and I am so grateful for the immense support and kind words of encouragement I have received in the last few weeks since I started this blog. It’s less than 2 months and I've got some very encouraging feedback. A special shout out to those who follow my posts regularly, those who comment on the posts and those who email me from time to time . I do appreciate you all and I say thank you for making out time to visit the blog and for visiting yet again!

The sequel to “A Cheerful or Fearful Look” about Nehemiah is still loading, I would post it soon as promised. Permit me to share with you briefly something that caught my attention some days ago. It’s so amazing that we can get inspiration from our day-to day activities and from every single thing God has placed around us.  

So I brought out some fish from my freezer two days ago and I found myself staring at this lifeless animal called F-I-S-H.  Of course we all know that a fish is an animal that lives in water, uses its fins and tail to swim and it is one of God’s unfathomable and diverse works of creation. It definitely has its own part to play in the composition of the universe and it was created for a special purpose as well. If for nothing, we know it’s a source of nutrition and livelihood for human beings who are created in the image of God Himself.  Right there and then I recollected how God the Almighty and our Lord Jesus Christ collaborated with Fishes (permit me to use the word in a plural sense) to carry out some assignments in the world and I can’t but put my pen to work again.

 The bible confirms over and over again that God can use the most insignificant means to fulfil His purpose or meet the needs of His people. There are so many astonishing deeds and acts of the Almighty written for our examples in the scriptures. Talking about our Fish gist, I am sure you can remember the story of Jonah in the bible. God had given Jonah an instruction to go warn the people of Nineveh to turn from their evil deeds so He won’t destroy them but Mr Jonah thought he could play a fast one on God and he absconded. The Almighty God before whom nothing is hidden and who knows our tendencies and our every action even before we execute them had already planned ahead to checkmate him.  Jonah 1: 17 -Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

I find it very exhilarating that God had “prepared” a Fish to carry out an assignment for Him. So the Fish could actually hear God and submit to whatever He wanted. It didn't eat Jonah or tamper with any part of His body because it had an instruction and it was to accommodate him only. The Fish housed Jonah for three days and at the expiration of time, he was vomited. Naturally, whales would pounce on their prey and mercilessly tear them to pieces but because God was involved, the life of His servant was preserved. Your circumstance may look overwhelming and you may actually be thinking there probably wouldn't be a way out like Jonah must have thought (because I cannot just imagine what must have been going on in his mind those three days and three nights in the belly of a Fish!) but Friend, be rest assured that God is mindful of you and He will NEVER permit more than you can handle. He knew you before you existed, designed a blueprint for your life, and made resources available for your existence. Right from the beginning, He stirred together semen and ovum to form you like Job said in the Message version of Job 10: 8-12

"You made me like a handcrafted piece of pottery— and now are you going to smash me to pieces? Don't you remember how beautifully you worked my clay? Will you reduce me now to a mud pie? Oh, that marvel of conception as you stirred together semen and ovum— what a miracle of skin and bone, muscle and brain! You gave me life itself, and incredible love. You watched and guarded every breath I took.

He brought you here for a purpose and He has made available everything needed to fulfil that purpose. You are a Masterpiece. That situation may look like it has swallowed you but believe you me; it can’t tamper with the tiniest bit of your life! No temptation or trial you are facing is uncommon to man but God will not only prevent more than you can handle from coming to you, He will make a way of escape for you from that very gigantic looking circumstance of yours. With Him, no mountain is insurmountable. I see God speaking to your situation this minute as He did in the case of Jonah. So the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land. (Jonah 2: 10) …….Even the Fish hears His voice……Halleluyah!

Let’s not forget that Jesus also “prepared” and used a Fish during His assignment on earth.  When the temple tax collectors came around in an attempt to find offence as the Pharisees had always done, Jesus instructed Peter to go to the sea and meet a particular “individual” who He was partnering with to fulfil a particular task; Mr Fish. Matthew 17: 27 says -Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you. Who says God doesn't have access to the currency we spend on earth. He’s got the Dollars (United States, Australian, Bahamian Barbadian, Canadian) Pound Sterling, Euros, Japanese Yen, Naira and every currency of the world in His bounty. Who says He can’t meet our needs in any way He wants? He is El-Shaddai- the Breasted God, Strong Nourisher, Strength Giver, Satisfier, Supplier of needs who opens His hands and satisfies the desires of every living being on earth! He even has a bounty from which He gratifies all needs. (Psalm 68:10 NIV).

When Jesus was going to feed the multitude in the bible, He took the two Fish, lifted them to God and gave thanks. God heard His thanksgiving, spoke to them; howbeit dead, they listened and they multiplied and every one was well fed with 12 baskets left over. Peter had toiled all night looking for Fish to catch but when the One whose voice cannot be resisted by any being in Heaven on Earth told him to let down his net again, the Fish came scrambling in and tore the net because they heard this voice! (Luke 5:1-11) .He repeated the same feat in John 21 as verse 5 says “Then Jesus said to them, “Children, have you any food? “They answered Him, “No.” 6And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some….. 11Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land, full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not broken.

  So if God can make use of Fish (in the singular and plural state) to carry out His purpose on earth and in all of the instances they performed excellently, they didn't overstep their borders, they didn't do more or less than what was required of them, they didn't refuse to show up as at when needed, then God Is able to use you and I; made in His image for more glorious and noble assignments. If He could partner with the Fish to perform amazing acts, imagine what your partnership with Him can do. All you need do is to co-operate with Him, hand your life over to Him in its entirety and great would be what you will achieve in your lifetime. 

The Fish thrives in water to fulfil God’s purpose, You and I will definitely thrive wherever God has placed us on earth and we will achieve amazing results in partnership with Him.

Be like the Fish for His Wish.....Selah

The Pen……

Photo Credit: and google)

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