Friday, 17 May 2013

And the Winner is......

I love music reality shows and it wasn't too much of a hassle for me to stay up in order to watch the final show of the American Idol that aired live in  the wee hours of this morning (in my part of the world). The show which saw Candice Glover winning climaxed on a good note as far as I am concerned...( my opinion!). I am particularly excited about shows that scout, identify and bring to limelight raw talents:It is such a joy to see that people are brought out of obscurity to do what they are destined for.

The final shows of such competitions always leave me with good feelings, especially when the person I like wins. Most times, either of the two finalists deserves to win anyway but also, I have learnt over time that there will always be a winner, most certainly and whether deserving the victory or not, he/she is the preferred choice going by the votes. Watching shows like that back to back, year in year out, one thought-provoking thing I have learnt from it,is how soon a previous season’s winner is forgotten or said in another word, relegated to the background( except he /she remains relevant) as soon as another session commences. I have watched that competition back to back for like 4 years and honestly, it is so easy to forget the feats of the previous winners except they come out to do something new from time to time.

Victories in life are meant to be celebrated, however the euphoria, ecstasy and excitement  most times is short-lived: Life continues, people move on to other things. If you win today, people celebrate you but they also want to see what you can do tomorrow. Take the example of a footballer who scores the decisive and winning goal in a very important match, say a Champions league and who helps his club win the trophy in a particular season. That victory or accomplishment doesn't give him leeway to go relax permanently. After all the celebration, the euphoria, in the very next match, he is expected to play well and score as well; else you begin to hear all sorts of comments about him already. People could be quite impatient with stars really and truth is, it is easy to castigate those in the boxing ring whilst you are on the bench as a spectator . 

Life itself is a competition and sometimes, the competition should be with no other person than yourself. Yes you should have people you admire, those who motivate you and role models, the truth is, you have to compete with yourself continuously to ensure you remain ever relevant. Be your own admirer, fan, motivator and greatest cheerleader.  Yesterday’s success should be the least of what you will accomplish today and tomorrow’s success should be greater than what you have accomplished today. .Whatever position it is you occupy, it is advisable to do something good with your tenure and leave good memories in people’s minds. You won’t be there forever and most importantly it is wisdom to keep equipping yourself to remain relevant in years to come.

I like what Paul said in the book of Philippians. I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14.I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward. (Philippians 3:13-14 Amplified Versions).

It is time to free yourself from whatever is holding you back. Yesterday’s victory could actually be a hindrance. You relish it so much that you don’t think of moving forward neither are you motivated to do better, It’s a trap! David , a bible character I love so much had won so many battles,he  had acquired so much that at some point when he was supposed to go for a battle, he thought it was time to rest at home. Temptation came knocking and the mighty King David who earlier sank the mightier Goliath came falling all the way into adultery and murder! ( You can checkout the preview of my book on David in the link provided at the right hand side of this blog)

Even if it was failure you experienced, it’s time to get up and get going. The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again the word says (Proverbs 24:16) .Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43: 18).God is assuring you that He would be there for you all the way and He is willing to give you a new beginning!

It’s time to Rise and just keep moving....Go, go, go!

Have a most glorious weekend ahead.

The Pen…

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