I clock another year today, I can’t but give praise to God and appreciate Him
for what He has done in my life so far. He is faithful and I can testify of His
faithfulness over and again.
So for some days now, I've been
wondering about how I have come to be who I am today. Where did I actually start from? I know I didn't fall down from heaven into my parents' arms; there was a
process, a period of metamorphosis and then as I pondered on this, the word
jumped at me: I started as a seed! As grown as I am, with many more fruitful
years to live on earth if Christ tarries, I started as a seed; so small, not able to be seen with the physical eyes but here I am today- a bundle of talents!
once followed a friend to an IVF 1procedure during which I saw how eggs were
being extracted for the purpose of fertilization with the sperm outside of the body and I can't but ponder on that experience. It showed me the more, the awesomeness of God’s power. During
the procedure, we were seeing the eggs that were being extracted on a screen
and I tell you, they only could have been seen by a microscopic tiny and small... Amazing, in-explainable startling work of God.
Yet, that was how I started, that was how you started- As a seed. From my Father‘s
seed sown into my mother, the process followed a cycle that even though
Medicine has tried to explain convincingly, it is a process that could only be achieved
by an unfathomable ability of God. So I came into this world, and here I am,
fully grown, gone through the reproduction cycle myself too. It’s just a mystery!
teaches us that no matter how small, infinitesimal and minuscule a seed may be,
it always ends up enormous, incomparable to how it started. The free dictionary simply defines a seed as a source or beginning; a germ. You plant an orange seed, it
becomes a tree. Every seed possesses the ability and capacity to multiply and
become the full representation of what the seed represents. An apple seed becomes
an apple tree and so does it apply to every form of seed. I read about the palm
tree that on average a palm tree will
take 3 to 6 months to grow from seed, but will take about 15 years to grow to
an adult size. To grow to a potted sized tree it will take about 6 years .2
The summary is that every animate thing starts from being a seed. At all
times, a seed is concealed, covered and buried because without that process of being
covered, (just like a fetus develops in the womb or as a plant is buried deep
into the soil), the seed’s growth and germination may be truncated entirely. When a seed is sown, sometimes for days or
months, you don’t see anything. It looks like it is dead, or not visible and
then all of a sudden it starts to sprout and germinate. The bible says in John 12:24- Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it
remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. Also in 1st Cor 15: 36-38 , the
bible says-Foolish
one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies. 37And what you sow, you do not sow that body that
shall be, but mere grain—perhaps wheat or some other grain. 38.But God gives it a body as He pleases, and to
each seed its own body.
So we understand that it is God that actually
makes the seed grow, giving each of them their own body: plants, animals, human
and everyone!
we see around teaches us what obtains in the spiritual realm. Let me digress a
bit. The spiritual realm actually controls the physical because that is where
we all emanate from. Before I go further, let me explain that the real man is
the Spirit of a man. A man is made up of the spirit, soul and body. When a man
dies, he sheds his physical body but his spirit remains intact and that is why
in heaven (or hell) people can recognise one another. Do you remember the story
of the rich man and poor Lazarus? Both were dead but yet, they could recognise
one another in the life beyond. In the beginning, God breathed His Spirit into mud
and Adam came alive. Hence the real man is the spirit of man.
if the physical seeds germinate and reproduce in the physical realm, it shows
us that in the spirit realm, the law of sowing applies because that is where
everything emanates from. So we sow seeds every day, physically and spiritually
and they all germinate. Our words, prayers, commitment, efforts at work,
efforts in relationships are all seeds that grow and bring forth fruits. Most
are the seeds you sow on a daily basis? They grow to become huge, incomparable
to the seed you sow, just like I earlier said. Seeds grow, and grow big! They may not sprout or become visible
overnight, but be assured that there is a process and all seeds , irrespective
of their kind will fulfil its due course. If you have been serving God and you
think you haven’t got any thing to show for it, relax, your seed is growing.
You will see it sprout and grow so big soon. If you have been sowing the wrong
types of seeds as well, there is a “time for manifestation” Mark 4 tells us the
process by which the course runs. There is no need for human intervention
because God has set everything in motion both in the physical and in the
spiritual realms. The blade first, then the head and the full grain
in the head. "The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter
seed on the ground, 27and should sleep by night and rise by day, and
the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how. 28For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the
head, after that the full grain in the head".( Mark 4: 26-28)
Never forget
also, as long as we are alive, seed time will never cease. We all keep sowing
on a daily basis whether we are conscious of it or not. Genesis 8: 22-“While the earth remains, Seed-time and harvest, Cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night
shall not cease.”
So it’s my birthday like I said….. Eternally
grateful to God for another year, I am:
A Masterpiece design by the greatest Architect of the Universe;
fearfully and wonderfully made.....
-A Citizen of Heaven: with Access to all the nations of the earth.....
-Assured of God's Eternal Love...
-Bestowed with authority over the devil and his cohorts.....
-Blessed with all Spiritual blessings in the Heavenly Places.
-Child of the Most High; saved by Mercy, preserved by Grace, upheld by Favour....
-Cleansed by the blood of Jesus eternally.....
-Endowed with the most valuable Gifts in Heaven and earth ...
-Promised a crown and mansions in Heaven.
-Recipient of Grace; Redeemed by the most expensive gift anyone could give.....
Surrounded by the most blessed people on earth....
What else can I ask for in this Life of mine...Tell
....and of His fullness I have received: Grace for Grace
I celebrate this Life given to Me and I celebrate the Giver!
....and of His fullness I have received: Grace for Grace
I celebrate this Life given to Me and I celebrate the Giver!
The Pen!
1. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a process by which an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body
2. Culled from yahoo
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