Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Let's Delve into "Twelve" in the Scriptures

The twelfth month is usually a time of thanksgiving, celebration, giving of gifts and it connotes the end of a year.  It’s a good time to look back and appreciate what God has done in the outgoing year and look forward to endless possibilities in the New Year. All over the world, Christmas Celebration is in the air already and we must not forget the essence of Christmas- "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son". That’s why Christmas is synonymous to giving. This period, let’s extend our love to not only those we know but the many people out there who for one reason or the other are not able or can’t afford to celebrate Christmas.

We see from the scriptures that God our Father has always been a Giver. When He created Adam, he breathed into Him His very own Life. He was willing to share part of what made Him God with man and He said “let us create man in our image”. In spite of the decadence we see in the human society, we must never lose sight of the fact that we have been created in His image. That mindset will help us overcome whatever it is life hurls at us. God saw darkness in Genesis chapter 1 and it did not deter him- He spoke and there was light. If he had hesitated, you and I won’t be here today. He can’t be deterred anyway, He is the Almighty! 

So I wonder what it is about 12 in the bible.  All through the Old Testament; right from the book of Genesis and into the New Testament unto the book of Revelation, we see that figure appearing again and again.
  • We see the 12 tribes of Israel.
  • We see that following the exodus, Moses built 12 pillars on Mount Sinai (Exodus 24:4).
  • We see 12 stones being set as a memorial after the Jordan River was crossed (Joshua 4:3). 
  • We see that 12 stones were attached to the breastplate of the priestly garments bearing the names of the twelve tribes (Exodus 39:8-14).
  • We see the 12 spies sent to spy the land of Canaan (Deut 1:23)
  • We see Jesus appearing and speaking his first words at the temple at age 12(Luke 2:42)
  • We see Jesus choose 12 people as His disciples.
  • We see the Woman with the issue of blood of 12 years healed(Luke 8:43).
  • We see the 12 year old daughter of Jarius raised from the dead.
  • We see 12 basketful of remnants packed after Jesus fed the multitude( Mark 6:37).
  • We see the 12 gates twelve gates to the city on New Jerusalem, 12 angels as gatekeepers and the names of the 12 tribes written on the gates. The gates are 12 pearls and the wall will be on 12 foundations which bear the names of the twelve apostles (Revelation 21: 12).
  • We see the tree of life will bear 12 kinds of fruit for the twelve months for the healing of the nations (Rev 22:2).

Today, I bring to us an interesting story from Exodus chapter 15. The Israelites had just witnessed one of the most amazing acts of God- the red sea parted right before their very eyes and they walked in the middle of it. Have you ever imagined yourself going to the beach and you witness a road being created in the middle of the sea?  I am sure the experience wouldn't leave you for life. So they saw this mighty act of God and they crossed over with joy and thanksgiving. Soon after the euphoria had gone down, they encountered another challenge and this time around, it was life threatening; thirst . 

Now when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they werebitter. Therefore the name of it was called Marah. 24And the people complained against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” 25So he cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree. When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet.

27Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees; so they camped there by the waters.
 (Exo 15: 23; 27).

 God had promised them a land flowing with milk and honey and they set out on their way  to possessing it. Alas, God was taking them to a promised land as we already established, but there were going to be challenges and yet  breathers and moments of respite along the way. Here they were at Marah, all they had at their disposal, after walking a couple of days through the wilderness was bitter water . One would rather remain thirsty than wanting to quench thirst with bitter water. But we see God coming through for them, He healed the water and marched them forward into a pleasant stop along their way to the land of promise. Right ahead of them at Elim, there were 12 wells of fresh water and seventy palms (signifying freshness, ease, comfort, beauty, shade) , but the Marah experience was just going to distract them from entering into that bus stop along the line of destiny.

Friend, maybe God has promised you so much and it looks like you aren't seeing any of those things. Truth is when you look into your life and if you will be grateful, there are many Elim experiences; some bus-stops on your way of destiny where you have enjoyed God’s provisions, intervention and whatnot. They may not be your ultimate desired places, but you see God there. Many times, He takes you out of unpleasant places of Marah and He gives you a place of Elim en-route Canaan; the promised land. Don’t be discouraged by what you see, there’s a breaking of dawn after every night, there’s an assurance of hope and deliverance from the debilitating situations. Be it as it may, another night may come, but there surely will be a new dawn again.
So the Israelites entered into Elim where there was an abundant supply of water for them and seventy palm trees. 

Under the new covenant, we are in a better relationship with God; that of Father –Children and we can be assured that He will never leave us stranded! Jesus by reason of his death on the cross is more to us than the 12 wells of water by Elim; as through Him, the Holy Spirit; the everlasting well ; dwells inside of us and by Him, we overflow unto eternity. John 7 :38 says “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water”. So therefore, as the year runs to an end, have an assurance that God will never leave you stranded. If our earthly fathers, know how to give good gifts to their children, how much more our heavenly Father?

So we see again, 12 wells of Water at Elim .
Every mention of 12 we have seen above represented something great. And now, it’s the 12th month of the year. Today, I see greatness abounding in you this 12th month of year 2013. Everything you have been unable to accomplish since the beginning of the year will start to happen for you. Be Blessed!

Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour yet? If you don’t, then say the prayers Here.

The Pen...

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

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