Monday, 9 November 2015

Don't Shun this Shunammite!

Hi Friends!

Let me share with you an interesting story from the life of a woman in the bible. Chances are you've read so much about her and if not, you'd read about her below. You know the popular christian cliche we hear and say every now and then? Arguably, I think it must have started from her. 
Have a good read!

“And it fell on a day, that Elisha passed to Shunem, where was a great woman; and she constrained him to eat bread. And so it was, that as oft as he passed by, he turned in thither to eat bread.”
2 Kings 4:8 KJV
Our focus character today is a woman whose name wasn't mentioned in the bible; She was only referred to by the town she came from; we all know her as the Shunammite Woman!
This was a woman who had a void in her life; she was barren, had no kids, respectable, known in the society; but she wasn't introduced by the challenge in her life. She was introduced to us as a GREAT woman, with an act of generosity following her introduction. Definitely greatness isn’t measured by what you have or what you wear but who YOU ARE. You may feel inadequate, plagued by life’s challenges but one thing is sure, greatness is in you!

Talking about this "great woman", We may not know many things about her; but here are 6 Gs I see in her life.

1. Generous: She was great and she was given to helping people. She provided a house/ food for Elisha; an itinerant pastor. Needless to say her needs were met and she got blessed with the fruit of the womb.

2. Gregarious: To be gregarious means to be friendly, amiable, and full of life. It doesn't matter what life serves on your plate. You turn the lemon into lemonades and trust God to turn your bitter waters to beautiful springs. Serve your generation, be friendly, have a good disposition. Be known for good things, don't wear your problems, be strong in the Lord!

3. Go- Getter: God has blessed you, given you a vision, go for it. Let nothing hinder you. Don’t focus on what you don’t have, but on what and who you can become. You are more than this!

4. Gainfully Occupied: The idle mind is the devil’s workshop they say. Keep yourself occupied, learn a skill, enroll for a course, start an NGO, help out in church. Keep doing something and that great opportunity you desire will definitely come.

5. Grateful. A grateful heart is the springboard for a great life. If you are not grateful, your blessings might be grated. Keep your focus on the good things God has blessed you with. It’s the secret of a happy and thankful heart. The Shunammite woman's gratitude of heart opened the door to more blessings in her life. Are you living a thankful life? We all need to live thanksliving lives!

6. Godly: Oh what a godly woman the Shunammite woman was. She held on to God, to His word and to His prophet in the face of challenges. Do you realize the popular “IT IS WELL” phrase that Christians ( in fact everybody) says started from her. It didn’t matter what things looked like, she just kept saying It is well!
Check out the full story in 2nd Kings Chapter 4 and stake note of  other Godly attribute you see in this Great woman. I bet there are a lot more.

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Photocredit: Keep calm o'matic

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