Monday, 18 July 2016

Monday Motivator: Don't be slack, TRACK!

Some time ago, I had a unique experience and I knew there was a story worth sharing in it. I had always received mails and packages at my address seamlessly and so, as I awaited this particular package, I was excited because it was something very instrumental!  I kept tracking the parcel from the day I made the order and on the day it was meant to arrive, I was glad to read it was already “out for delivery". After a few hours of waiting to hear the bell ring to no avail, I went to check the computer to check the update and lo and behold it read “undeliverable to address." What that meant was that it would be returned to the sender! 

Wow, I was upset; No, that didn’t describe what I felt; I was disappointedly disconcerted! Luckily, the post office wasn't too far away! So I went with my ID and proof of address. Long and short, after two trips the same day, the parcel was located. 

The most surprising thing was that the address was perfect; it was appropriately addressed but how come it was returned as undeliverable? If I hadn't taken that step, it would have been returned to the sender and that would have meant a refund or the parcel being sent all over again. 

As I walked back home with my parcel, I reflected on what had happened and it occurred to me that had I not first of all tracked, I wouldn't have known the status and ultimately the point at which the package became undeliverable. 

Life requires Tracking, Our Desires require Tracking, our Prayers require Tracking, our Marriage, Business, Achievements and everything in Life require tracking. We need to constantly take stock of where we are, where we are meant to be and constantly take apt decisions. Circumvent Circumstances by God's Grace instead of Circumstances circumventing your Destiny.  A simple soul-searching and introspection could be the answer to a long standing question. 

Daniel prayed, God answered his prayers but there was an interception; just as my parcel was going to be intercepted. Had Daniel not prayed and inquired, his Blessings would have remained eternally intercepted. God doesn't derive pleasure in not answering our prayers. He does answer prayers!
Why then are our desires not coming to fruition? Is God a liar? NO!

A lot of times, I've heard people say Life isn't fair; yes life isn't fair but those who will not fear will fare well. You must be determined to make your one life count; and not be at the mercy of circumstances.

Live everyday deliberately and like a warrior who won't give up anytime soon; in fact never!

 The Pen.....

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